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Greater London Chess Club

Open to all players

Five-round Swiss Tournaments
and MINOR (U-1450 FIDE/ECF)

ECF and FIDE Rated

Prizes in each section:

1st £80, 2nd £40

Saturday 16 August 2025

Upper Vestry House, St George's Bloomsbury
6 Little Russell Street, London WC1A 2HR
Directions to venue



Doors open 9.45am
Entries on the day accepted before 10.15am
Tea and coffee available throughout the day

10.30 Round 1
11.45 Round 2

12.45 Lunch break

13.30 Round 3
14.45 Round 4
16.00 Round 5

17.15 Prize giving


Tournament rules

  • FIDE Laws of Chess (2023) apply, unless otherwise stated.
  • Mobile phones must be switched off at all times during play. If a player has a specific reason for keeping their phone on, they should make this known to the controller at the start of the tournament. Otherwise, if a player's phone rings or makes a noise during play they shall lose the game.
  • Players not arriving at the board within 10 minutes of the start of a round shall be defaulted. Their opponent shall be re-paired if possible.
  • Entry is deemed acceptance that the controller's decision is final in all matters.

    Rate of play

    25 minutes + 5 second increment per player per game.


  • The most recently published (August 2025) ECF ratings will be used. Rapidplay ratings take precedence over standardplay.
  • The most recently published FIDE ratings will be used. Rapid ratings take precedence over standard ratings. Blitz ratings will not be used. You can look up your FIDE rating and FIDE Identification number (FIN) here. If you don't have a FIN we can register you to England. If you wish to be registered to another country you will need to contact their Federation directly to obtain a FIN.
  • If a player has an ECF and a FIDE Rating, both must meet the rating limits for the Minor or Major sections.
  • If a player does not have a current rating they should provide evidence of playing strength. In the Minor and Major sections unrated players may only win one third the value of any cash prize. GLCC club members exempted from this rule.
  • All results will be submitted for ECF Rapidplay rating and FIDE Rapid rating. It is a condition of entry that players agree to their rating data being published in the ECF and FIDE online databases.

    Entry fees

  • Non-GLCC members £25 in all sections for entries received by 18.00hrs on Friday 15 August. After this date a £5 late entry fee charge applies.
  • GLCC members £20
  • Players need to hold Silver, Gold or Platinum ECF membership otherwise an additional ECF pay to play fee applies. If you already hold Bronze ECF membership the pay to play fee will upgrade you to Silver.
  • Refunds - if a player needs to withdraw from the tournament a full refund will be given, provided the organiser is notified by email before 18.00hrs on Friday 15 August.



To the organiser, Nigel Blades, by email to



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